Cowlicks Anyone?

"Aw, don't worry about it... when you are older, you will grow out of it." That was what my hairdresser said to me about the strong cowlicks that lie within my bangs when I was in grade school.  Like, what was she thinking?!  Maybe forty years ago, stylists didn't know any better.  The truth is …

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Ostriches and Homer Simpson

  Two unlikely subjects--an exotic bird and a TV character born out of the 1990's.  So, what is that they have in common?  While I am sure that many of you could come up with a perspicacious response, the truth is that for each my husband and I they represent things that each of us …

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If I Had a Label, It Would Read…

If I had a label, it would read: -100% pure ingredients -No additives (well, maybe a little muffin top?) -High in anti-oxidants (namely chocolate;-) -Some preservatives (I can only hope) -Full of Naturally Occurring Sugars (of course, I'm sweet:-) -A hint of dyes (Colour-Me-Blonde highlights, but NO red #40 or blue #2) WARNING!  Contains:  A …

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