About Jibber Jabber


How my ‘Jibber Jabber’ idea came about…

I have always enjoyed writing. Okay, well maybe not always, as suddenly I have a flashback of all-too-many University papers that I begrudgingly wrote.  Yes, papers that were often started the day they were due, only to later be infamously slipped under my professors’ doors long after the fact.  Needless to say my marks on the stanine scale suffered a bit due to my incessant tardiness. Indeed, the art of procrastination was/is not lost on me. Maybe I should clarify at this point that creative, anecdotal, and personal narrative writing have always interested me.

During my schooling years, I can remember doing a report on Ancient Greece in grade six, writing a true story about my brother and my experience during a freak tornado in our neck of the woods, and, of course, there were many a fictional stories along the way.  Fast forward to most recent, wherein, two summers ago, the passing of my bestest four-legged friend, Duke, inspired me to self-publish the story of how, for nearly 17 years, he and I were inseparable….”Two Steps Behind:  The (True) Story of a Blonde Girl & Her Dog”.  I think it was something about having the finished product of Duke’s book in my hands, along with a partially written, informationally-based book on my professional career experience (which I hope yet to finish), from a couple of years prior, which made me begin thinking more seriously about writing and doing more of it.  Perhaps more of a draw than writing itself, or maybe the basis of however, is my life long contemplation of the world around me and my place in it.

Since I was a young child, I’ve always had a fascination with life, others, and my own self…an awareness that often made me feel awkward and different in those younger years. I grew up in a mostly middle-class family with its fair share of triumphs, trials & tribulations.  Now, as a forty-something year-old woman, I’m even more appreciative of my life’s journey, which now dupes me as a member of the ‘dual-income, no kids’ lifestyle who enjoys travelling, camping, gardening, shopping and of course, spending time with loved ones and friends.  The latter, my husband in particular, being the inspiration for this blog, actually.

I waited a long, very long, time to meet the love of my life, term that I will admit I was rather skeptical about. Yet here I am, and I can honestly say that he was well worth the wait.  So, yes, it is true that good things come in time.  My husband (NEVER thought I would get married by the way, either) and I are definitely like ‘two peas in a pod’ in so many senses. When we contemplated why we hadn’t met sooner, we realized we just weren’t ready for this kind of relationship, this kind of love up until this time in our lives and for that we are grateful.  While we do not lead exciting, adventurous lives, we do try to be in the present and enjoy life in the here and now.  And, it’s in the here and now that we find ourselves spending many an evening together ‘jibber jabbering’ away about life…. and that, is how the idea for this blog got started.  Just an honest look at life, how we got here, why, and where we are going.

My intention for this blog?  Simply to share, to explore, to question, to contemplate, to philosophize, to entertain… and to be present.  With that, I hope that you find something in this blog that resonates with you.  See you around!

16 thoughts on “About Jibber Jabber

    1. I’m thoroughly flattered that you would nominate me…thank you so much! But, I will pass for now. In true Canadian style, I will apologize if you are somehow offended. I’m just happy to be writing again!! I do love the questions that they asked, though. A good chance to reflect on my goals for blogging! Good luck with your own nomination.


      1. No offense taken. I’m a new blogger and I’m not sure what these “awards” are. I don’t think they are actual awards, not that we don’t deserve one, but I think individually bloggers create an award to generate traffic to their own and other’s blog sites. I loved the questions too and found them very helpful. Yesterday I told a friend I was writing a blog. Their response was “do you have sponsors? Are you making money?” Not only do I not have a clue how to do that, but like you, I’m just happy to be writing again.


  1. Pingback: Christmas Music in June…and Other Unlikely Things | Jibber Jabber with Sue

  2. Pingback: Writing Again – Jibber Jabber with Sue

  3. Hi Sue, I have nominated your blog for Liebstar Award 2020. You will find the nomination questionnaire and other details herehttps://trishsplaces.com/2020/08/06/liebster-award-nomination-2020/.
    These awards aren’t necessarily ‘real’ awards, but ways to recognise each other’s blogs and perhaps help spreading your story and gaining followers, if they enjoy your page 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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