A Break Away From It All

Snoopy Out of Office

As you might have read on my blog yesterday, I am unplugging for awhile as I enjoy some quality, family time (whilst social distancing, of course) at our lake lot.  I’d normally apologize for being away from my desk, so to speak, but in this case I am not going to say the infamous Canadian words, “I’m sorry,” because I’m not sorry to be spending some much anticipated time with my loved ones partaking in some hopeful sun, conversation, food and drink. 🙂

I do hope that the rest of you continue to write and post away over the next few days, if you wish.  I have scheduled the upcoming daily word prompts to publish while I’m away, so fingers crossed that I have pressed all of the right buttons so that those of you who look forward to the daily words will still have a chance to contribute to our jibberjabber tag.  I will definitely miss reading your posts, as I am always fascinated with everyone’s take on one simple word; however, I look forward to reading some of the entries when I return.

Meanwhile, have a lovely weekend wherever it is that you find yourself in the world.  Be sure to take some down time for yourself to enjoy a little of the outdoors, if you are able to–even an indoor break will do, if nothing else.  I plan to be sitting in my favourite red lawn chair amidst a circle of some of the most important people that I know and love.  To the other family members that we are apart from, we will be thinking of you as always.  Cheers!  🙂

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