Hawaii’s Finest…Hibiscus and Java


While in Hawaii this past summer, we stopped at a local coffee plantation–one of our few touristy escapades.   Just outside of the building was this enormous tie-dye coloured hibiscus.  In reality, the flower was dying off, but its appearance was so unique that I couldn’t help but capture its sixties feel on camera.  ‘Groovy man!’  Makes a guy wanna break out his White Rabbit single, 45-RPM record, which takes a person back in time a little, doesn’t it?  Otherwise, you young folks can google that one.

Of course, being that we were at the plantation to cash in on some real Kona coffee (rather I think they cashed in on us at $80 US per pound!!!), I can’t justify writing this post without actually including a picture of one of the real deal coffee bean plants.  Very cool!  Afterall, I am most grateful for the bean’s roasted goodness, each and every morning, aren’t you?

(FYI:  The Kona Sweet Coffee that we darned near had to exchange our return plane ticket for, is by and large the BEST coffee that I have ever had…an aromatic potpourri for one’s nose and mouth of nuts, chocolate and fruit juxtaposed with a distinctive and noticeable flair of each specific flavour.  YUM-MY!:-0).



7 thoughts on “Hawaii’s Finest…Hibiscus and Java

  1. We went to Hawaii this winter – but Kawaii – not sure if there are plantations there? We got Kona coffee though. I went to the big island in 2000 and we saw plantations there. Love your photos!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. A little scary, I’m sure…but polyps are pretty common. I hope everything works out okay. Sending positive thoughts & prayers your way.


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